It’s That Time of Year To Boost Your Immune System!
It’s getting to be that time of year when the flu season starts. Here are three suggestions by Dr. Mark Burdorf to help boost your immune system to try keep it strong enough to avoid those pesky bugs.
As part of his chiropractic practice, Dr. Mark Burdorf also does Foundational Nutrition. Today he gives us three EASY suggestions to make your immune system strong for this time of year.
First, consider taking an odor-free garlic formula. Garlic is a very good natural antihistamine, it’s great for boosting your immune system, and reducing inflammation in your sinuses and lungs.
Second, consider taking Omega 3s. Omega 3s are great for reducing inflammation in your muscles and joints, and it’s also great for your cardiovascular system.
The third thing is, eat an apple. If you eat an apple in the morning, it’s going to give you the same mental alertness as a cup of coffee. It’s also going to help raise the pH of your body, which improves your immune system.
These are some helpful basics, but all of our bodies are different and we may need other supplements based on what’s going on in us. If you’re interested in a foundational assessment to find out which supplements you specifically may need in addition to this, give Dr. Burdorf a call. His office number is 480-951-5006, or you can schedule online at Schedule your appointment here.
Don’t live in Scottsdale, AZ? That’s okay! Dr. Burdorf can visit with you on the phone, and come up with a plan based on your results.